3 questions to be answered. 250 words per answer. Timing is late 1890s in United States - Assignment Examplepublic feelings against Spain (Gary and Murrin 14). In defense of his country, the Spanish diplomat in Washington continued to express blatant indifference and open contempt towards the American government under President McKinley.Apparently, the military campaigns used by the Spanish administration in quenching Cuban guerrilla insurgency invariably captured attention of many American sympathizers. Particularly, the use of concentration camps against Cuban rural populations, which resulted in massive deaths from diseases and starvation, upset the American public. More so, the forcible incarceration of Cuban citizens by Spanish military rulers led to massive loss of American investments, and political powers within the Western Hemisphere (Gary and Murrin 19). The tolerable boundaries of outrage and indifference harbored by Americans towards Spanish occupation in South America broke down when a U.S.